About me

Besides being interested in various kinds of arts and sciences (see my homepage for some projects), I also love being outdoors and to experience nature. Grown up in a mountain rich environment it seems almost natural to me, to love moving on skiers and being in a winter landscape – which is probably the reason why I live North of the Arctic circle now ..

Ice Swimming at Kesänkijärvi
Swimming in December – photo by Clemens Jöbstl


This blog is my spot on the www, where I publish reports and pictures that have been taken during my hiking trips or travels. Since I am not active on social network channels, this is the platform for me sharing my experiences and impressions of my daily life.


more about me ..

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3 Replies to “About me”

  1. Hei Gerald,
    Actually stayin in Hetta for this winter as guide, i confess that u give here a really good view about the region, its nature & its inhabitants..
    be good & hyvää jatkoa..

  2. Hey Gerald,

    It’s Kimonas (or Nick) from Greece!Just found out about your site and blog – Maria told me about your movie so I googled everyrthing – and I have to say that everything’s really interesting.I had a nostalgic feeling while watching the first minutes of your movie, though, because I remembered how great Finland and Rovaniemi were when I had come!Nevertheless, I’ll follow up to your blog, and maybe write a comment or two!

  3. Shalom my friend,

    good to see, that you are ok and not frozen in the meantime.
    Unfortunatly we are not able to visit you this year cause in february we are awaiting our next little mrs. poecher ;-)
    I hope u have a great time, but if i look to your pictures, there is no doubt for me….and if you are arriving “at home” sometimes, you also have to know, there is still a bed, some beer and a delicious meal cooked in the “kelomat” for you.

    Greetz from chillach city

    wuze, alex, hanna and clara

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