After a career as machine fitter, mechanical engineer, and technical assistant in the project management group of an oil and gas exploration company, Gerald has completed the diploma study program International Development at the University of Vienna in 2014.
Gerald is doctoral candidate in political sciences at the University of Lapland. His dissertation focuses on digitalisation in international relations. His main research interest are science and technology studies, digitalisation, hegemony theories, and political ecology, while maintaining a particular interest for the Arctic region. Gerals has been working for years as researcher at the Arctc Center (University of Lapland) and he has been teaching “Cybersecurity in Society” at the Department of Technology and Safety at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. His work has been published in international peer reviewed journals, and he is co-editor of the book Digitalisation and Human Security: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity in the European High North (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
Gerald, furthermore, has over 10 years of experience with Linux desktop and server administration. As entrepreneur he has founded Kaamos Creations which offers consulting on ethical digitalisation, and he freelances as DevOps engineer for SMEs, NGOs, research projects, journalists, and activists.
Besides his interest in the intersections of society and science he also enjoys to create various kinds of arts. He his been photographing and involved in film making for many years, and he increasingly combines art and his scientific research. His free time Gerald loves to spent outdoors; reports and impressions from his journeys are available on his blog.