After a career as mechanical engineer and working in the project management group of an oil and gas exploration company, Gerald accomplished the diploma program International Development at the University of Vienna, which he completed with a Magister degree in 2014. Within his studies he set the main focus on energy politics, sociology of technology studies, political economy, political ecology and environmental politics. Three years of his studies he spent as an exchange student at the University of Lapland (in Rovaniemi, Finland), where he added a regional focus on the Arctic and furthermore accomplished the (non-degree) Arctic Studies Program. During this time he also completed his diploma thesis. Since then he has worked as project researcher in a couple of different projects in the Anthropology research team and in the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law, both at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland and teaching at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Gerald is also PhD student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lapland.
His current research interests are in the fields of :
- Science and technology studies
- Digitalisation
- Political ecology and hegemony theories
- Arctic studies
ORCID: 0000-0002-6513-526X
Zojer, G. (2020): Moving the Human Being Into the Focus of Cybersecurity. In: Salminen, M., Zojer, G. and Hossain, K. (eds.): Digitalisation and Human Security: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity in the European High North. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 353-363.
Salminen, M. and Zojer, G. (2020): A Human Security Perspective on Cybersecurity in the European High North. In: Salminen, M., Zojer, G. and Hossain, K. (eds.): Digitalisation and Human Security: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity in the European High North. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-17.
Salminen, M., Zojer, G. and Hossain K. (2020): Comprehensive Cybersecurity and Human Rights in the Digitalising European High North. In: Salminen, M., Zojer, G. and Hossain, K. (eds.): Digitalisation and Human Security: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity in the European High North. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-55.
Zojer, G. (2019): Free and open source software as a contribution to digital security in the Arctic. In: Arctic Yearbook 2019, pp. 173-188. (Download PDF)
Zojer, G (2019): The Interconnectedness of Digitalisation and Human Security in the European High North: Cybersecurity Conceptualised through the Human Security Lens. In: The Yearbook of Polar Law, Vol. 10, pp. 297-320. doi:10.1163/22116427_010010014
Zojer, G. (2018): The Role of Hydrocarbon Development in Arctic Governance: A suitable Approach for Human Development in the Region? In: K. Hossain, J.M. Roncero Martín, and A. Petrétei (eds.): Human and Societal Security in the Circumpolar Arctic. Local and Indigenous Communities. Leiden and Boston: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 212-243.
Hossain, K., G. Zojer, W. Greaves, M. Roncero and M. Sheehan (2017): Constructing Arctic security: An inter-disciplinary approach to understanding security in the Barents Region. Polar Record, Vol. 53 (1), pp. 52-66. doi:10.1017/S0032247416000693
Hossain, K., T. Koivurova and G. Zojer (2014): Understanding Risks Associated with Offshore Hydrocarbon Development. In: E. Tedsen, S. Cavalieri, & R.A. Kraemer (Eds.): Arctic Marine Governance: Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 159-176.
Zojer, G. (2024). Digitalisation and the democratisation of environmental monitoring. The Conservation & Livelihoods Digest, 3(1), Sellheim Environmental, pp. 31–35. (Download PDF)
Zojer, G. (2020): Calotte Academy 2019 Final Report - Future Arctic Societies: Scenarios, Innovations, Best Practices & Actors. Briefing note, Arctic Yearbook 2020, pp. 500-504.
Zojer, G. (2019):Theorising security: A human security perspective on cybersecurity. In: Enablement Besides Constraints: Human Security and a Cyber Multi-Disciplinary Framework in the European High North. Synthesis Report. Juridica Lapponica 47. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland. pp. 6-24. (Download PDF)
Zojer, G. and Hossain, K. (2017): Rethinking multifaceted human security threats in the Barents Region: A multilevel approach to societal security. Juridica Lapponica 42. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland Printing Centre. (Download PDF)
Zojer, G. and L. Olsén (2016): Calotte Academy 2016: Building Arctic resilience through open communication. Briefing note, Arctic Yearbook 2016, pp. 242-247.
Zojer, G. (2015): Book Reviews: Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic. Regional Dynamics in a Global World. In : Polar Record, Vol. 51, Issue 05, pp. 574-575.
Zojer, G. (2015): Book Review: Haydn Washington, 2013: Human Dependence on Nature. How to help solve the environmental crisis. In: G. Alfredsson and T. Koivurova (eds.): The Yearbook of Polar Law, Vol. 6, 2014. Leiden and Boston: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 629-635.
Zojer, G. (2014): Energy Politics in Arctic Governance: A shift from environmental protection toward economic development? Diploma thesis, University of Vienna. (download pdf)
Salminen, M., Zojer, G. and Hossain, K. (eds.) (2020): Digitalisation and Human Security: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity in the European High North. Palgrave Macmillan.
Zojer, G. (ed.) (2019): Enablement Besides Constraints: Human Security and a Cyber Multi-Disciplinary Framework in the European High North. Synthesis Report. Juridica Lapponica 47. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland. (Download PDF)
Radio Interview on Sámi culture and music, WGDR Goddard college community radio, Plainfield (VT), 24 October 2019
Stromberger P. and M. Guancioli (Producer), Federl M. (Director) 2015. Eine Reise durch das Lappland auf den Spuren der Samen [A journey through Lapland on the trails of the Sámi]. Documentary film. Austria: ORF (Austrian national public service broadcaster) 2015. Appearence as Interview partner and moderator.
Cybersecurity in Society
Autumn term 2023 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Arctic Law and Governance.
Spring Term 2016 & 2017. Part of Master's Degree Programme in International and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lapland.
Global Economy and Arctic Governance and
Adoption of Modern Technologies in Arctic Societies
12th International Summer School in Lapland, “The Politics of Nature: States, Borders, and Limits of Modernity.” Kilpisjärvi, Finland, August 6–14, 2018. Summer school organised by Moscow Higher School of Economics, Aleksanteri Institue - University of Helsinki, and University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway.
Conceptualizing Digitalisation in the European High North as a Matter of Human Security
International Summer School in Karelia (ISSK), “Discourses and dimensions of the Barents Region, the EU and the entire North - theories & methods of Arctic studies.” Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, May 14–19, 2018. Summer school organisied by Petrozavodsk State University, Aleksanteri Institue, University of Helsinki, and University of Lapland.
Main discourses in Arctic governance: A comparative analysis of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council and the Arctic Council
Guest lecture at International Summer School in Karelia (ISSK) 2016, at the Petrozavodsk State University.
ACCESS - Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society
Arctic-FROST - Arctic FRontiers Of SusTainability: Resources, Societies, Environments and Development in the Changing North
ECoHuCy - Enablement besides Constraints: Human Security and a Cyber Multi-disciplinary Framework in the European High North
HuSArctic - Human Security as a promotional tool for societal security in the Arctic: Addressing Multiple Vulnerability to its Population with Specific Reference to the Barents Region
IntArcticLaw - International Arctic Law
Coordinator of UArctic Thematic Network (TN) on Geopolitics and Security
Member of UArctic Thematic Network Arctic Extractive Industries
Since 2016 steering committee member & co-coordinator of the Calotte Academy
Research Grants
2022: The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, work grant for doctoral studies, 19.500 €
2021: The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, work grant for doctoral studies, 26.000 €
2013: Short-term grant abroad (KWA); University of Vienna