Every year in May a huge ice fishing competition is taking place in Kilpisjärvi. During that time thousands of people are coming to the village. This year one caravan that was parked next to the school building caught fire, which then spread over the wooden building. The students and inhabitants of Kilpisjärvi will now have to wait about two years for a replacement.
During the ice fishing competition, every year thousands of people travel to Kilpisjärvi, a village in the very northwest of Finland, where less than a hundred people are living permanently. This year an unfortunate accident happened: One of the caravans that was parked next to the school building caught fire, which then also spread over to the wooden building. Within a short time the school burned completely down.
The approximately ten students of the school since then were educated in a simple apartment. The building, though, not only hosted a school, but as a multifunctional building, also hosted many events, a gym, or the doctor when visiting the village. It will take now approximately two years until a new multifunctional building will be built.
News report from the fire: http://yle.fi/uutiset/fire_destroys_kilpisjarvi_school_-_40_people_evacuated/7968283