About a Pile of Money and a Deep Hole in the Ground: Diamond Mining in Mirny, Yakutia
Last week I had the pleasure to attend a course in Sakha Republic (Yakutia), in the Russian Federation. The course within the thematic area of extractive industries brought me to Mirny, a small city which has been built around its mining activities. Since Russian geologists have found rich diamond deposits in the Republic of Sakha, Russia has become one of the world leaders in diamond production. Also Mirny is significantly shaped from the extraction of diamonds in the area ..
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Picture of the Day: Mail Box
Picture of the Day: Post Office on Solovetsky Islands
Picture of the Day: Petroglyphs (ancient rock carvings) near Belomorsk
From Murmansk to Nikel: Environmental Disaster on the Kola Peninsula

While I cannot and do not blend out human caused environmental degradation, I generally focus my camera lenses rather on the beauty of nature, which is why you predominantly find nature photography in my blog. But there are places, where this is simply not possible; places, where nature has been wiped out. One of these places is Nikel, on the Kola peninsula, in northwestern Russia, close to the Norwegian border … Continue reading “From Murmansk to Nikel: Environmental Disaster on the Kola Peninsula”
Short Trip to Helsinki and Petrozavodsk

In May I attended a summer school (International Summer School of Karelia) which took place in Helsinki and Petrozavodsk. Besides education and watcing ice hockey world championship, I also had some time for taking pictures on our excursions. I had chosen to leave my digital camera at home and instead take my 1951 built Rolleicord III K3B with me, with a few Kodak TriX 400 and Adox CH50 film rolls. It was actually quite a story to be able to develop these films .. Continue reading “Short Trip to Helsinki and Petrozavodsk”