Picture of the Day: Polar Night Skiing
Ski Hike During the Polar Night in Tarvantovaara Wilderness Area
This year we got early a good amount of snow for skiing. With a friend we decided to take advantage of this fact and go for a little polar night ski hike. We went to Karesuvanto, in order to explore the Tarvantovaara wilderness area also during the snow season.
Continue reading “Ski Hike During the Polar Night in Tarvantovaara Wilderness Area”Frozen Rapids of Näkkäläjoki
End of Polar Night: Skiing from Hetta to Muonio
Towards the end of the polar night, and after the skiing trip to Pöyrisjärvi, with my friend we decided to go for another ski hike. This time we planned to ski toward the south. On this trip I came close to seeing the sun again, after several weeks of its absence.
Continue reading “End of Polar Night: Skiing from Hetta to Muonio”Skiing Trip to Pöyrisjärvi during Polar Night
While this winter started early and with low temperatures, the season soon turned more mild than average, bringing lots of snow. A suitable condition for a skiing trip to Pöyrisjärvi, to enjoy the wonderful lights of the polar night.
Continue reading “Skiing Trip to Pöyrisjärvi during Polar Night”First Sunbeams after Polar Night
Toward the end of the polar night, lasting cold temperatures (below -20°C) made the snow crystals covering the trees even more beautiful. Appreciating the wonderful weather and the almost clear sky I decided to ski up a small hill nearby. To my surprise, the top of the hill was already rached by the sun again: The first sunbeams hitting the area after the polar night. A pleasant surprise that lighted up the landscape and – after its short appearence – painting the snowy landscape in pink.