Picture of the Day: Last Skiing

Well, there is the last skiing, and there is the last skiing. 20°C plus. The ice still holds, and the snow still carries somewhat on the lake Ounasjärvi. So I took some skiing equipment out again from the storage, where it was already waiting for the summer to pass, to reactivate my skates and to go for some summer fun skiing ..

Skiing on the lake Ounasjärvi

Ice Remnants on Ounasjärvi Shore

According to long-term statistics from 1981-2010, permanent snow cover in the Hetta area should start during the second half of October. Snow seemed to have arrived on time, however, November brought two storms with warm weather, including rain, that washed away most of the snow. Also the lake which had already frozen, melted up again. Attached a few images from ice remnants floating near the shore, after a warm period during mid November.

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