Short Biking Trip to Pöyrisjärvi
The weather forecast predicted a clear sky, and there was also a promising northern lights forecast. Thus, with Heidi we decided to cycle to Pöyrisjärvi, and spent Friday night at the open wilderness hut.
Continue reading “Short Biking Trip to Pöyrisjärvi”Colorful Autumn Vegetation and Plenty of Fresh and Local Food: A Hike from Kalmakaltio to Vuontisjärvi through Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area
Like in the past few years, also this year I was planning to go for a hike during autumn time. Since in the past two years I was a bit too late for the most colorful time of the year – ruska – this year I wanted to leave already end of August, to experience the wonderful colors of the autumn vegetation in the Pöyrisjärvi wilderness area.
Some Northern Lights during Skiing Evening on Jyppyrävaara
During a short skiing trip in the evening, the clear nights sky served some nice northern lights, brightening up the otherwise dark landscape. Continue reading “Some Northern Lights during Skiing Evening on Jyppyrävaara”
From Näkkälä to Vuontisjärvi: An Autumn Hike through the Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area
Almost like a tradition, also this autumn I wanted to go for a hike in the Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area. This year, together with Heidi, we wanted to pick up some old leather-made children shoes, which we discovered a couple of years ago. Starting from Näkkälä, our route brought us to Pöyrisjärvi, Haukijärvi, Maattojärvet, and Stallojärvi, before we finished our trip in Vuontisjärvi.
Autumn Hike in Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area: From Hetta via Olkojärvi to Pöyrisjärvi
It has become some kind of tradition for me to spend at least one week during autumn in Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area. Also this year I felt the urge to go for a hike and camping trip into Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area, even though the hiked distances this year were less than in recent years .. Continue reading “Autumn Hike in Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area: From Hetta via Olkojärvi to Pöyrisjärvi”