Even though you can’t see the sun in Lapland for some time, it doesn’t mean that the sky wouldn’t provide you with beautiful colors and plenty of dailight (for at least a short time ..) :-) Continue reading “No Sun – Still Light”
Northern Lights at Väiskin Laavu
Even though this years winter hasn’t arrived yet, at least the Northern Lights remained as a constant. So with some friends we got lucky last night, and ate our semi-delicious Makkara in the wonderful presence of the Aurora Borealis. Continue reading “Northern Lights at Väiskin Laavu”
Homepage in new design & the upcoming Santa Claus movie
Last week I finally relaunched my website in a new design, you can find it under http://www.gerald-zojer.com
However, regular updates of my trips and photos from my hikes and so on will remain in my blog, while the website will become a platform to release certain projects I was working on.
Which will happen for example with the Santa Claus movie, where the soundtrack now has been recorded and the movie is in the final stage of editing. It will be released in December.
…. erm – yes, 2011.
Autumn in Rovaniemi
Unfortunately I was/am quite busy in autumn this year, so i didn’t have any time to go for a hike. However, the other day, when there finally was some sunlight coming through the persisting, thick layer of clouds, I decided to go out for lunch and thus made myself a cosy fire at Kunikaan Laavu (on Santavaara), to grill some makkara. On the way back I took advantage of having the camera with me, and also shot some autumn impressions around the city center of Rovaniemi … Continue reading “Autumn in Rovaniemi”
Galleries Moved to the Blog
Finally I finished moving all photo galleries from my old website into this blog. This does not mean, that the blog will replace my website – but traveling and hiking stories/pictures, as well as news will be found here from now on. The website itself is still under construction, I hope that it will be online again in a few weeks.
Kilpisjärvi & Malla Strict Nature Reserve
In August I took my bike, put a trailer on its end and went to Kilpisjärvi. After four days sitting on my bike, I arrived during heavy rainfall in Kilpisjärvi, where I then attended an almost two weeks lasting summer school. Within the school we had a lecture at the three border point (Finland, Norway, Sweden) and afterwards hiked back through the Malla Strict Nature Reserve. After the summer school was over Continue reading “Kilpisjärvi & Malla Strict Nature Reserve”
Short Trip to Helsinki and Petrozavodsk

In May I attended a summer school (International Summer School of Karelia) which took place in Helsinki and Petrozavodsk. Besides education and watcing ice hockey world championship, I also had some time for taking pictures on our excursions. I had chosen to leave my digital camera at home and instead take my 1951 built Rolleicord III K3B with me, with a few Kodak TriX 400 and Adox CH50 film rolls. It was actually quite a story to be able to develop these films .. Continue reading “Short Trip to Helsinki and Petrozavodsk”