Now that it gets warmer again during the days, not only skiing and playing ice hockey are possible outdoor activities, but also ice fishing becomes way more attractive than during the colder season. It is still though some work to drill through the ice: after shoveling away about 30 cm of snow, there still has been a layer of approximately 60 cm of frozen Ounasjärvi water. However, after succeeding with the warm up operations, the relaxing ice fishing can begin!
Last weekend I spent about an hour and a half, skating up and down the ice rink and trying to practice a bit with the puck handling, when this activity got severely disturbed by some strong and colorful northern lights above my head. As wonderful as it has been, and as much as it made me feel like during kaamos and winter, the warm sun on the next day beamed me back to the reality of the presence of spring. Warm and not very windy weather, under the bright sun and a fairly clear sky invited us to go out on the lake and to use our ice hole driller and ice fishing rods, and to sit on the lake and have some relaxing time, just in front of the skyline of the Hetta village, on the frozen lake Ounasjärvi. Here is some footage of this lazy afternoon, while preparing and trying to catch some fish under the still thick spring ice. And while enjoying a delicious bottle of home brewed winter ale ..