Hot days in Vienna forced me – together with a friend, to seek for asylum in some higher elevated areas in Austria. Also a lake can be of great advantage in these hot days, so the choice was: travelling to the Almsee in the Salzkammergut. Continue reading “Lake Almsee”
Metalcamp 2005
After coming back from the hiking trip to Vienna, I left on the very next day towards the south, to visit the Metalcamp in Tolin, Slovenia. Continue reading “Metalcamp 2005”
Swedenrock Festival, Copenhagen and Gothenburg
Time for some live music: With a friend I traveled to the Swedenrock Festival, on the way to there visiting Copenhagen and afterwards Gothenburg. Continue reading “Swedenrock Festival, Copenhagen and Gothenburg”
Winter in Dubai ;-)
Coming back from Innsbruck, I had to leave to Dubai for attending a seminar. So from the beautiful winter in Innsbruck straight to the fucking hell of the almost 40 degrees in the UAE. Continue reading “Winter in Dubai ;-)”
Winter in Innsbruck
Visiting NYC and Hiking in Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada

In late August 2004 a seminar brought me to Calgary, not before stopping ove the weekend in New York city, visiting my cousin. However, after one week of cracking the brain over geology I had another week free to travel a bit further to the north in Alberta. Renting a car and leaving Calgary as soon as possible, I found my self in the beutiful environment of Alberta’s nature scenery. In the gallery you find some of the pictures I took while my hikes. Unofrtunately it was cloudy most of the time which often limited my view pretty much. However, since it was autumn and the first snow just calmly covered the wonderfully colored trees, I still had an extraordinary experience in the Canadian wilderness, where I also got to see a grizzly beer with her two cups in the wild. Continue reading “Visiting NYC and Hiking in Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada”
Visiting Novosibirsk

In summer 2003 I decided to spend my vacation in Russia for the first time. I was hosted by a friend of mine in Akademgorodok, a suburb, a little bit outside of Novosibirsk. On this trip I also discovered what Rusian bureaucracy means: Especially all the issues with the visa registration in the city centre is still an important part of my memory of that trip. Continue reading “Visiting Novosibirsk”