Sunrise today at 10:12. Sunset today at 14:10. Length of day is 3 h 58 min.

JyppyrävaaraThe days are getting shorter quickly and the Arctic night seems to become tangible. Currently the day length decreases by ten to eleven minutes every day (The headline, by the way, I stole from todays weather forecast site of the Finnish meteorological institute).

The other information I found on that site, which however also was obvious by looking out of the window, was that today was a clear sky. Continue reading “Sunrise today at 10:12. Sunset today at 14:10. Length of day is 3 h 58 min.”

Sioskuru – The Last Skiing Trip This Winter

Skiing to SioskuruAs I wrote in the last entry, with the beginning of May the poles for marking the skiing tracks were removed, signalling the end of the winter – and the way too short skiing season. This fact however, let my girl friend and me decide to cross the lake Ounasjärvi for the last time this winter and to go on a small skiing trip into Pallas-Ounas national park, to stay over at the autiotupa Sioskuru. Continue reading “Sioskuru – The Last Skiing Trip This Winter”

Rautujärvi Again – The Quick Retreat of the Snow

Pyhäkero seen from Rautujärvi

The day before yesterday – or presterday, as I would call it – the poles marking the skiing tracks unfortunately have been removed; the unmarking of the tracks is marking the end of the skiing season, leaving the (ex-)pistes open for (noisy, smelly and polluting) snowmobiles to ruin the rest of the tracks even quicker than the warm spring sun is doing it. This altogether leaves some icy and rough traces in the snow, that still shows you, where once the tracks have brought comfort to the cross-country skier. Continue reading “Rautujärvi Again – The Quick Retreat of the Snow”

The Night Has Gone – Dinner at Rautujärvi

RautujärviRecently I was feeling like having a late dinner at the Rautujärvi laavu. Since I usually enjoy it pretty much to ski (only) in the atmospheric night light, I was wondering how much night there still is at this time of the year. In the cities and villages this is always a bit tricky to figure out, since the light pollution even in small places are interfering quite much with the natural light situation. Continue reading “The Night Has Gone – Dinner at Rautujärvi”

Skiing to Pahakuru – in Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park

On the Easter weekend we took advantage of the warm spring weather and well maintained skiing tracks, to carry a pulk with our backpacks and some food to the open wilderness hut Pahakuru, to stay there for one night. On the next day – on the way back – it was much more windy, though still sunny at the beginning. However, after Sioskuru there was no sight anymore, so heavy winds and strong snowfall kept me away from taking more pictures .. Continue reading “Skiing to Pahakuru – in Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park”

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