Picture of the Day: Night out

Picture Galleries & Stories from my Hiking Trips and Journeys
A collection of Do it yourself projects, to show what can be done by oneself and how easy it can be!
Lately I went with my bike or on foot to some more remote fishing spots. As this means I am days away from home, I was looking into options how to make the fish ready to be transported for days. One popular method, of course, is smoking. So with some friends we intended to built a smoker from natural material plus items we’d usually carry around.
Continue reading “Smoking Fish in Wilderness: DIY Smoker”While I do have a great bivy bag as a solo shelter, for sleeping in a tarp I made another simple bivy bag, which should serve my sleeping bag as an additional layer to become windproof and water-repellent (e.g. from condensation water under the tarp). In this post I explain from what materials I made it, and some instructions on how to make it, including my patterns. Continue reading “Simple DIY Bivy Bag – Windproof and Water-Repellent – With Patterns”
Since I am still experimenting with different kind of shelters for hiking, I made myself a tarp this year, in order to be more flexible and faster set up than with a tent. Here you’ll find how I created my tarp: What materials did I use, sewing instructions, and patterns.
Continue reading “DIY – How to Make Your Own Lightweight Tarp – With Patterns”
Bivy bag or tent? Or something different? An often occurring thought for many hikers and outdoor people. However, after finally deciding to acquire a bivy bag, you will find a wide range of various alternatives, from low cost to really expensive, and in many different kinds of shapes; and despite the huge variety of different bivies, you might still not find the one that suits you best. That leaves you with one solution: DO IT YOURSELF! In this post I will elaborate how I made my own bivy bag, explain why I choose certain materials, and provide you with some patterns that I used for my own DIY bivy bag. Continue reading “DIY/MYOG Bivy Bag – Breathable, Waterproof, and Windproof – With Patterns”