With the good memories on the area around the lakes Maattojärvet in the Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area from last autumn, with a friend we decided to go there over a weekend for some fishing.
After cycling a lot this summer with my Fat Bike in the Hetta area, I thought it would be time to use the bike and to visit some more remote places in the nearby Pöyrisärvi Wilderness Area. Already twice I have ween hiking down from Maatojärvet to Vuontisjärvi, and thought that this might as well be a nice trail to cycle. Thus I mounted my back rack and made myself ready to go to the lakes Maattojärvet, to spend the weekend there and do some fishing. Fortunately a friend of mine liked the idea of being in this area and we agreed to meet there.

During the day I cycled to the lakes Maattojärvet the trail proofed to be very wet. No surprise, as it has been raining the days before. The first 10 Kilometers were really muddy and a difficult terrain, and I was happy to be there with my Fat Bike instead of my regular mountain bike. After leaving the forest (and muddy areas) the trail brought me up to the fell area, from where I enjoyed a great view over the landscape – and the for me heading rain clouds. Just as the rain hit me, I met my friend. We took a short break hiding behind a big rock, which provided good cover from the rain, which came almost horizontally due to the strong wind.
After spending two nights at the lakes Maatojärvet, where we had good weather and sunshine most of the time, I went back to Vuontisjärvi the same way I came. That is, I took a 10km detour, as I lost my water bottle along the way. Since I didn’t want to leave any plastic in the wilderness area, I cycled back 5km to find the bottle again. While I had to once again cycle up the fells Jäkälä-Prroastunturi and Palolaki, I also got to enjoy the fun downhill part for a second time. And the joy had to last, as soon after that, I once again entered the forest and had to cycle through the mud puddles again.