Lately I haven’t done many updates of the blog, which is simply because I haven’t done any outdoor or other activates but working. Soon my final thesis (Diplomarbeit) will be finished, which I will make available online.
Some little pieces of the research I have carried out for my thesis have, however, already been published: Just last week the post delivered me a copy of the book “Arctic Marine Governance,” in which I have contributed to the chapter:
Kamrul Hossain, Timo Koivurova and Gerald Zojer (2014): Understanding Risks Associated with Offshore Hydrocarbon Development. In: E. Tedsen, S. Cavalieri, & R. A. Kraemer (Eds.): Arctic Marine Governance. Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 159-176.
The Article is also available online (unfortunately not free), under: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-38595-7_7, where you can also find an abstract.