A nice skiing track in the Hetta region is the Sammalvaaran latu (Sammalvaara skiing trail), which is a bit West of the main tracks from Hetta to Pyhäkero and Sioskuru, and which has two lean-to shelters along the trail: the Rautujärvi laavu, and the Postitupajärvi laavu. The latter one was the target for this short skiing trip, which we choose for having our lunch that day.
The Sammalvaara skiing trail is one of the last tracks in the Hetta area, that get maintained, and makes a nice 30 km long loop. The western part of it, which also reaches the two mentioned lean-to shelters, is rather easy to ski without any strong ascending slopes. When we used it, it was unfortunately in a bad condition, after obviously some snowmobiles ruined it. However, this didn’t keep us from having a good time in this wonderful nature, spiced with nice views towards the Pyhäkero fell. So we were able to enjoy our semi-delicous makkara at the frozen lake Postitupajärvi.