While the first snow has melted away again, the past days were cold enough that some lakes froze; such as the lake Palosenjärvi, which I visited with a friend this week. Continue reading “Frozen Palosenjärvi”
Picture Galleries & Stories from my Hiking Trips and Journeys
While the first snow has melted away again, the past days were cold enough that some lakes froze; such as the lake Palosenjärvi, which I visited with a friend this week. Continue reading “Frozen Palosenjärvi”
Since about one week the landscape here is covered with about ten centimeters of snow, thus also the Pyhäkero fell shines with its white cover over the lake Ounasjärvi. Because of the little snow coverage it is still possible to cycle, so I took my bike and went for a short trip to reach the summit of the white Pyhäkero. Continue reading “Pyhäkero in Autumn: Biking and Hiking in Snowy Landscape”
The nights became colder and the night temperatures go below zero. Since it is predicted for next week to become colder, I went for a walk on the shore of lake Ounasjärvi, to enjoy the open lake once more before winter arrives and ice forms up… Continue reading “Open Ounasjärvi”