Slowly also the ice on lake Ounasjärvi breaks and disappears, leaving over the spring flood. Some images from the Kotiseutumuseo near Hetta ..
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Picture Galleries & Stories from my Hiking Trips and Journeys
Slowly also the ice on lake Ounasjärvi breaks and disappears, leaving over the spring flood. Some images from the Kotiseutumuseo near Hetta ..
Continue reading “Ice Breaking on Lake Ounasjärvi – A Visit to Kotiseutumuseo”
The snow is almost completely gone. The sun and warmth have cleaned up most of the trails from snow, allowing it again to walk or hike around Hetta. Yet the trails in the forests are still covered by some snow, making it difficult to cycle (beside, there is lots of water everywhere); also the lakes are still frozen so can’t go boating, while for ice fishing or ice skating the ice is not strong enough any more. Actually, it is more some kind of floating slush than ice. This all makes it a bit tricky to go out into the nature at the moment, so instead of making any trips, some short walks have to do it in order to get some fresh air.
Anyhow, fortunately just behind our house a hiking trail starts, so it is quite easy to take a few steps into the forest. And, we don’t have to go there alone: Our cats always try following us when we go for a walk. This is kind of annoying when one of us wants to go shopping, as it forces us sometimes to lock the cats in, in order to not follow us. However, their habit of following us is lovely when turn into the forest, where our little room mates seem to enjoy the exciting adventure to go to places where they usually don’t go without human company ..
Here is some footage of our smaller room mates, joining us for a short walk through the forest.