Skiing Tracks
Snow Mobile Tracks
Picture Galleries & Stories from my Hiking Trips and Journeys
Today, when the sun was out and we went for a short afternoon skiing trip in the sun, we decided to once not follow the skiing tracks, but rather taking the long forest skiers, and just go North .. Continue reading “Where the hell does this track go to?”
Mathematically, the sun should be back in Enontekiö since 5th of January, however, it took until the 19th, when I was finally walking again in direct sun light for the first time since Kaamos (= polar night) is over. Unfortunately, that day the walk to the bus station – which brought me into the natural brightness of the big yellow thing – took me just a few minutes, so I haven’t been able to spent a long time in the sun. Nevertheless, after I have been away for a week, I gratefully took out my regular cross country skiers, for a short run in the sun when it returned. Continue reading “Skiing in the Sun Again! Pahtajärven Polku in late January”