The ’46 km for 360° of Pyhäkero in 48 Hours’ Round Trip

Pyhäkero fell
Pyhäkero in a view close from Hetta

The peak of Pyhäkero is the most visible part of the Pallas-Yllästunturi national park when looking from Hetta toward South – toward the national park. Several trails are leading to – or over the Pyhäkero fell. For our weekend trip, we chose to make ski around the Pyhäkero fell, including one overnight stay at the Sioskuru open wilderness hut, instead of just taking the shortest way up. Continue reading “The ’46 km for 360° of Pyhäkero in 48 Hours’ Round Trip”

Ice Fishing on Ounasjärvi

drilling an ice hole on frozen lake
Ice fishing on lake Ounasjärvi

Now that it gets warmer again during the days, not only skiing and playing ice hockey are possible outdoor activities, but also ice fishing  becomes way more attractive than during the colder season. It is still though some work to drill through the ice: after shoveling away about 30 cm of snow, there still has been a layer of approximately 60 cm of frozen Ounasjärvi water. However, after succeeding with the warm up operations, the relaxing ice fishing can begin! Continue reading “Ice Fishing on Ounasjärvi”

Spring Time Skiing on Pahtajärvenreitti, and More Birches Coming Out of the Snow

Spring time skiing on Pahtajärvenreiti
Spring time skiing on Pahtajärvenreitti

In the past few days, the sun was shining and blue sky was inviting for skiing trips. Unfortunately we were rather busy, but on Thursday we finally had some time for a short skiing trip. The skiing tracks were in very good condition, and partly looked almost as new. We decided to once again make a short round on the Pahtajärvenreitti, North of Hetta, Continue reading “Spring Time Skiing on Pahtajärvenreitti, and More Birches Coming Out of the Snow”

Spring Time, Equinox, Birch Rebirth and More Fragments

Spring time fragment
Spring Time Fragment

When I wrote in my last gallery post and mentioned, that it looks and feels like spring already, then I was right. Even though there have been a few more days below -30, in general it remained rather warm.

The trees have lost their snow cover, and the birch trees, that have been buried under the snow, slowly loose their winterly suite and start to stand up again. Continue reading “Spring Time, Equinox, Birch Rebirth and More Fragments”

Some notes on the blog …

Now it is exactly one and a half years, that this blog went online, and a lot of things were added in the mean time. Besides all the content that has been published, also many features were added. The reason for this post thus is, to highlight and discuss a few of them.

  • RSS: One of the first gadgets I added was the RSS module, that allows you to easily follow this blog, by getting new posts delivered straight to your mailbox or browser – or whatever RSS reader you are using. (you can find this feature either in the right navigation bar or at the bottom)
  • Google translate: Even though I have a German mother tongue, I decided to write this blog in English and to keep it in this one language only (mainly because it means much less work for administration & writing). However, as you might already have seen, I added Google’s automatic translation tool in the navigation bar on the right. Despite the fact that such a translation tool is never very appropriate, it offers the possibility to translate to much more languages than I will ever be able to learn :-)
  • Social Network: One of the later gadgets I have added is an easy possibility to share the posts via social networks. Since I am (yet?) not active in these networks, I so far didn’t consider it as important. However, I occasionally got addressed with this issue, so I finally decided to integrate a simple share option at the end of each post (and the site).
  • Accessibility: Another issue that is important and has been on my mind for quite a while is accessibility – another part of the latest developments; further thoughts about it also motivated me to write this post here, simply because I need your help: Since i understand that common web design can make it hard for some people to access the information, I tried to implement some features, that makes it easier for everybody to follow my posts (resize text, contrast, skip links, audio function). However, especially with this issue I am also limited in understanding the needs of all blog readers, so that’s where your help is appreciated: If you have any difficulties with listening/reading/experiencing this blog, please let me know what can be improved, and define your difficulties with the accessibility of this blog, so that I am able to further develop the site and make it even more accessible.

What will the future bring?

So much about the past & present, but what will the future bring? Of course I will try to continue to regularly post some impressions of my surroundings, which I have been able to catch with my camera. I will also try to further improve my English skills, to make the posts more clear. But I am also planning to open up another category with content, despite picture galleries and travel stories. So, if you got interested now in what this could be – then stay tuned! For now I’d like to say thanks a lot for following my blog and for commenting my posts.

Taking the Pahtajärvenreitti to Närpistö Laavu And Wondering: Is It Already Spring?

Crossing Pahtajärvi
Crossing the frozen Pahtajärvi

After skiing towards the South the day before, we decided to also ski a bit towards the North and visit the Närpistö lean-to shelter (once more), along the Pahtajärvenreitti. Like the days before, it was again rather warm (especially for mid February), and I had the feeling it would be some time in the middle of spring. Why: Because it actually was pretty warm (just a few degrees below zero), the the snow felt wet and not winterly, but maybe even more because of the way the trees looked like. Continue reading “Taking the Pahtajärvenreitti to Närpistö Laavu And Wondering: Is It Already Spring?”

On the Sammalvaara Skiing Trail to the Postitupajärvi Lean-To Shelter

Lean-to shelter at Postitupajärvi
Lean-to shelter at Postitupajärvi

A nice skiing track in the Hetta region is the Sammalvaaran latu (Sammalvaara skiing trail), which is a bit West of the main tracks from Hetta to Pyhäkero and Sioskuru, and which has two lean-to shelters along the trail: the Rautujärvi laavu, and the Postitupajärvi laavu. The latter one was the target for this short skiing trip, which we choose for having our lunch that day. Continue reading “On the Sammalvaara Skiing Trail to the Postitupajärvi Lean-To Shelter”

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