Video: Three kit foxes coming out of their den

Fox infants in front of their fox hole
Fox infants in front of their fox hole

Last night, on a short biking trip in the area, I almost stumbled over a fox infant. I was taking a break waiting for a friend, just having my phone in the hand as I noticed some movement next to my leg. Looking down I was discovering that I was standing right in front of a den where some fox kits where coming out. I quickly made a recording with the phone camera before moving on to leave the fox infants alone again .. Continue reading “Video: Three kit foxes coming out of their den”

Polar Day, Early Summer, 28° C and Sunshine: Swimming in Leppäjärvi Area

sand dune and lake
Lake near Leppäjärvi village

As I already reported, this year the summer arrived pretty early. Since the mosquitoes on the other hand did not arrive yet, it is the perfect time to be outdoors and go for a relaxing swim in the evening. This time we went to Leppäjärvi, close to the Norwegian border. Continue reading “Polar Day, Early Summer, 28° C and Sunshine: Swimming in Leppäjärvi Area”

Last Ice Disappearing – Swimming Season Opened! Some Impressions from Inari and Abisko

Midnight sun in Inari
Midnight sun at lake Mutusjärvi, in Inari

A sudden temperature change finally melted down the snow and ice, making the waters easily accessible for swimming – without the need for an ice driller or an ice saw. That is – not yet everywhere in Lapland: While this was true for Inari, at the higher elevated Abisko for example, the lake Torneträsk was still frozen last week. Nevertheless, this year the spring – or actually rather summer arrived pretty early. I experienced this surprisingly warm weather in several places in Lapland … Continue reading “Last Ice Disappearing – Swimming Season Opened! Some Impressions from Inari and Abisko”

May Triathlon: Biking, Skiing and Grilling. A Night on Jyppyrävaara.

Sunset past 10pm
Looking to the North: Sunset past 10pm

On a nice early May evening with some friends we wanted to make a fire and grill some food at the lean-to shelter on the top of Jyppyrävaara, in Hetta. Since the melting of snow and ice continues fast, not every passage that has been maintained as a skiing tracks is snow covered any longer. Thus, I needed to take my bike for a short ride, with the skiers attached to my backpack, to reach a spot where the tracks were still in bearable conditions. After a short trip with the skiers I arrived on Jyppyrävaara, where we enjoyed some grilling action in a bright and almost cloudless night. Continue reading “May Triathlon: Biking, Skiing and Grilling. A Night on Jyppyrävaara.”

Hurdle Skiing: When the Ice Disappears and the Snow Quickly Melts

Hurdle skiing around Rautujärvi
Hurdle skiing in April

Since a bit more than a week, the plus degrees (Celsius, of course) have taken over, leading the snow and ice to melt quickly. While there is still enough snow to go skiing, the melting of the ice, especially on the rivers, makes skiing increasingly difficult because of certain barriers that the holes that are left behind: Crossing rivers by following the regular tracks became impossible. However, going through some kind of hurdle skiing, it is still possible to ski toward Pyhäkero, in the Pallas-Yllästunturi national park. After one colder night and a sunny day, we thus decided to make a short trip to the lean-to shelter at Rautujärvi, to enjoy our dinner while looking at the Pyhäkero fell. Continue reading “Hurdle Skiing: When the Ice Disappears and the Snow Quickly Melts”

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