A short trip to Brussels, to see the city, the European parliament and to take advantage of a day of open doors at the Cantillon brewery :-p Continue reading “Brussels”
In Summer a friend of mine and I made an attempt to hike the summit of the mountain Säuleck. Unfortunately my hiking boots were a bit old already, so on the second day, after leaving from the Arthur von Schmid house the sole went of. It was not possible to continue the trip, thus we had to turn around. The shoes were so bad, that I had to take them off at some point and to continue barefoot. Continue reading “Säuleck”
With the goal of leaving Vienna sooner or later I figured, I should also visit some places closer to Vienna. So after visiting Brno my friend and me took the train to Perchtoldsdorf which is just a bit outside of Vienna.
Attached are some pictures from that trip, captured with a Canon IXUS 500. Continue reading “Perchtoldsdorf”
With the goal of leaving Vienna sooner or later I figured, I should also visit some places closer to Vienna. So with a friend we got the idea of visiting the city of Brno. Attached are some pictures from that trip, Continue reading “Brno”